It was a cozy weekend here in the bay area. Perfect for feeling sick and learning how to crochet. I spent almost my entire weekend with friends in the east bay, loved that rain we got on saturday. Sarah and I took a three hour crochet class at Article Pract saturday morning, and even though I was a little more than groggy at 9am I left knowing how to crochet and continued to do so until sunday night. Mostly I just practiced, starting scarves and than unraveling them when things started to look uneven. I'm so excited I know how to crochet now as I think it's a little more varied than knitting. Saturday was also spent with some good old friends who recently bought a sweet little house in the east bay. I used to live with them and it was great to spend a rainy night in their new cozy home and even better to see their pets who I've missed ever since they moved out. That's Cody up there, cuddling up with my crochet.
will you make me a toilet paper cozy... or a robot? or even better... a robot cozy... i love things made of yarn.
I love this picture!
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