as you all know by now, on November 7, the Cosco Busan ran into the Bay Bridge and spilled 58,000 gallons of bunker fuel into San Francisco Bay. it's a devastating event for the marine and bird life that inhabit our bay and coastal waters. hundreds of birds have been taken to the International Bird Rescue Center in Fairfield. how many of them will actually survive is yet to be seen.
i spent my weekend rescuing oiled birds in Pacifica. seeing the devastation first hand is as heartbreaking as Friday's Chronicle headline indicates. i'll be spending my anniversary day off at the IBRC helping to keep the rescue efforts afloat. if you have an interest in helping out with laundry, building pens, preparing feeds or anything else that they need, please contact Cindy Murphy at 916-616-4515. she is their volunteer coordinator and this is her cell #. you will receive a call back and anything you can do to help is very much appreciated.
if you can't volunteer, you can still help with a donation. The groups in need are:Baykeeper.org, Oiled wildlife care network, wildlifehealth@ucdavis.edu
thank you for this. and thank you for the number. xod
thank you. i've been following the terrible news while away, and wanted to be able to do something more than feel sad once i got home. i'll be getting in touch with them to see if i can help.
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