

I love this. I loved it as soon as I saw it in the store when I was visiting my mom in Jersey, but what makes me love it even more is that when I picked it up and told my mom I was buying it just to hang in my studio she started laughing, when I asked her why she said, "I was here a week ago and I bought it to hang up in my studio." What can I say? I have an awesome mom and I'm glad I take after her. She's a big crafter and designer and everytime I go to Jersey and see her studio I laugh too- we keep our studios the same exact way, one big creative mess.


molly said...

dude! i used to have this hanging in MY studio in ny! god, i love that line... i would also have to say here (and, just suddenly realizing...appropriate! given the upcoming dates!!) that getting older, for me, means getting to be more AWARE. i love it. hey, happy almost birthday, t...

Anonymous said...

good old henry... see- everybody loves him!

though i have to admit it pains me a little to see his words fragmented and taken out of context... the wonderful thing about his writing is how he moves from the banal to the obscene to the transcendental and back again. it takes pages and pages to get that effect. but while we're at it, here's one of my favorite bits along the same lines:

"Every time you come to the limit of what is demanded of you, you are faced with the same problem-- to be yourself! And with the first step you make in this direction you realize that there is neither plus nor minus; you throw the skates away and swim. There is no suffering anymore because there is nothing which can threaten your security. And there is no desire to be of help to others even, because why rob them of a privilege which must be earned? Life stretches out from moment to moment in stupendous infinitude. Nothing can be more real than what you suppose it to be. Whatever you think the cosmos to be it is and it could not possibly be anything else as long as you are you and I am I. You live in the fruits of your action and your action is the harvest of your thought. Thought and action are one, because swimming you are in it and of it, and 'it' is everything you desire it to be, no more, no less. Every stoke counts for eternity. The heating and cooling system is one system, and Cancer is separated from Capricorn only by an imaginary line."

p.s. you and your mom and molly? what is with crafty folk and this quote?

Anonymous said...

stroke, not stoke. the proofreader in me hates not being able to go back and correct previous comments! ;)

Christina said...

hey JJ, i thought of you when i saw that the card was a Henry Miller quote, knowing how much you like his writing. i should just get around to reading one of his books already, huh?